Client Libraries

Client libraries make it easy to consume the Soccermetrics APIs from the language and framework of your choice. Below is a list of officially supported libraries as well as libraries and projects developed by members of the development community.

Official libraries are tested against the latest version of the Soccermetrics API.

All of these libraries are open source, so if you find a bug or would like to recommend a feature, we encourage you to contribute back to the project.


Library Name Author Description
soccermetrics-client-py Howard Hamilton Official Python module for the Soccermetrics Connect API.


Library Name Author Description
soccermetrics-client-pl Howard Hamilton Official Perl module for the Soccermetrics Connect API.

Don’t see your language or framework? We want to expand our collection of API libraries, particularly in the following languages and frameworks:

  • Languages:

    • Ruby
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • PHP
    • Scala
    • C#
    • R
  • Frameworks:

    • Django
    • Rails
    • Node
    • .NET

If you create a library in these or other languages and frameworks, send an email to with a link to the library and we will place it here. Your contributions would be appreciated by the developer community.