Receiving API Responses

The Marcotti-Summary REST API returns only JSON, as do all Soccermetrics APIs.

All responses that do not return an error (HTTP code 200) deliver their payload as follows:

Key Description
meta Metadata associated with the resource representation.
attribution Attribution objects for the resource representation.
result The resource representation itself.


No metadata are associated with the representation of the service root.

All representations contain a id field, which is their unique ID key.

All string values in the representations are Unicode (UTF-8) representations.

(New in version 0.9.3.) All field names in the representations use camelCase equivalents of the respective database fields. So home_team_name becomes homeTeamName in the response.

Here is a sample JSON representation of high-level match information.

$ curl -i -X GET


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: gunicorn/0.15.0
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 06:04:37 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 4342
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

  "meta": {
    "totalPages": 1,
    "records": 10,
    "totalRecords": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "next": null,
    "first": "/v0/matches/1000250/info?records=10&page=1",
    "last": "/v0/matches/1000250/info?records=10&page=1",
    "prev": null
  "attribution": {
      "html": "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"/></a>",
      "source": {
        "html": "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"/></a>"
        "logo": "",
        "url": "",
        "name": "Opta Sports"
      "text": "Powered by Soccermetrics Research",
      "url": "",
      "logo": ""
  "result": [
      "firsthalf_length": 45,
      "away_manager_name": "Roberto Mancini",
      "season_name": "2011-2012",
      "competition": 100,
      "away_team_name": "Manchester City",
      "id": 1000250,
      "home_manager": 10017,
      "away_team": 10008,
      "home_team_name": "Aston Villa",
      "venue_name": "Villa Park",
      "matchday": 25,
      "away_manager": 10014,
      "match_date": "2012-02-12",
      "referee": 10012,
      "home_manager_name": "Alex McLeish",
      "season": 100,
      "attendance": 35312,
      "link": {
        "home_manager": "/v0/personnel/managers/10017",
        "home_team": "/v0/teams/10001",
        "away_team": "/v0/teams/10008",
        "stats": {
          "setpieces": {
            "corners": "/v0/stats/setpieces/corners?match=1000250",
            "freekicks": "/v0/stats/setpieces/freekicks?match=1000250",
            "throwins": "/v0/stats/setpieces/throwins?match=1000250",
            "keyplays": "/v0/stats/setpieces/keyplays?match=1000250"
          "passes": {
            "directions": "/v0/stats/passes/directions?match=1000250",
            "lengths": "/v0/stats/passes/lengths?match=1000250",
            "locations": "/v0/stats/passes/locations?match=1000250",
            "totals": "/v0/stats/passes/totals?match=1000250"
          "touches": {
            "duels": "/v0/stats/touches/duels?match=1000250",
            "locations": "/v0/stats/touches/locations?match=1000250",
            "totals": "/v0/stats/touches/totals?match=1000250"
          "crosses": {
            "corners": "/v0/stats/crosses/corners?match=1000250",
            "totals": "/v0/stats/crosses/totals?match=1000250"
          "fouls": {
            "cards": "/v0/stats/fouls/cards?match=1000250",
            "wins": "/v0/stats/fouls/wins?match=1000250"
          "defense": {
            "goalline": "/v0/stats/defense/goalline?match=1000250",
            "blocks": "/v0/stats/defense/blocks?match=1000250",
            "tackles": "/v0/stats/defense/tackles?match=1000250",
            "actions": "/v0/stats/defense/actions?match=1000250",
            "clearances": "/v0/stats/defense/clearances?match=1000250"
          "goals": {
            "penalties": "/v0/stats/goals/penalties?match=1000250",
            "bodyparts": "/v0/stats/goals/bodyparts?match=1000250",
            "locations": "/v0/stats/goals/locations?match=1000250",
            "assists": "/v0/stats/goals/assists?match=1000250",
            "totals": "/v0/stats/goals/totals?match=1000250"
          "shots": {
            "bodyparts": "/v0/stats/shots/bodyparts?match=1000250",
            "plays": "/v0/stats/shots/plays?match=1000250",
            "locations": "/v0/stats/shots/locations?match=1000250",
            "totals": "/v0/stats/shots/totals?match=1000250"
          "goalkeeper": {
            "actions": "/v0/stats/goalkeeper/actions?match=1000250",
            "saves": "/v0/stats/goalkeeper/saves?match=1000250",
            "goals": "/v0/stats/goalkeeper/goals?match=1000250",
            "shots": "/v0/stats/goalkeeper/shots?match=1000250"
        "referee": "/v0/personnel/referees/10012",
        "venue": "/v0/venues/1001",
        "away_manager": "/v0/personnel/managers/10014",
        "lineups": "/v0/matches/1000250/lineups",
        "conditions": "/v0/matches/1000250/conditions",
        "events": {
          "offenses": "/v0/events/offenses?match=1000250",
          "penalties": "/v0/events/penalties?match=1000250",
          "goals": "/v0/events/goals?match=1000250",
          "substitutions": "/v0/events/substitutions?match=1000250"
      "competition_name": "English Barclays Premier League",
      "home_team": 10001,
      "kickoff_time": "17:00:00",
      "referee_name": "Michael Oliver",
      "venue": 1001,
      "uri": "/v0/matches/1000250/info",
      "secondhalf_length": 47


New in version 0.9.

Whenever you display information obtained from the Soccermetrics API to your users, you must give attribution to Soccermetrics and the source of the data.

Every resource representation from the Soccermetrics API returns an attribution sub-object that contains the following fields:

Property Description
html HTML code for attribution to Soccermetrics.
text Text of attribution to Soccermetrics.
logo URL of “Powered by Soccermetrics” graphic.
url URL of Soccermetrics Research web site.
source Data source attribution sub-object.

If your application displays data to users using HTML, you must include the contents of the html field verbatim in a visible place near the data.

If your application does not display data to users with HTML, which is common with native mobile or desktop applications, you must display the text, logo, and a link to the url fields in a visible place near the data. A click on the link should open a browser to the URL.


Do not modify the contents of the html, text, logo, or url fields.

The source sub-object contains the following fields:

Property Description
html HTML code for attribution to data source organization.
text Text of attribution to data source organization.
logo URL of data source organization logo.
url URL of data source organization web site.

If your application displays data to users using HTML, you must include the contents of the html field verbatim in a visible place near the data.

If your application does not display data to users with HTML, you must display the text field with a link to the url fields in a visible place near the data. A click on the link should open a browser to the URL.


Do not modify the data in the source sub-object.


No one likes being wrong, but the Marcotti-Summary API returns exceptions in the HTTP response body in case you or the server did something wrong. The exception contains three properties:

Property Description
status HTTP status code of the exception.
message More descriptive message about the exception.
uri The URI of the request the caused the exception.

Example 1:

Here’s the result of accessing a non-existent resource:

$ curl -i -X GET


Server: gunicorn/0.15.0
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 08:26:07 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 83

  "status": 404,
  "message": "assists resource not found.",
  "uri": "/v0/matches/100250/assists"

Example 2:

Attempting to access a table not exposed to the API returns the following:

GET /v0/matches HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


Server: gunicorn/0.15.0
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 08:11:53 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

  "status": 403,
  "message": "You do not have access to the matches resource from this URL.",
  "uri": "/v0/matches"

Hypermedia References

A major constraint of RESTful APIs is that they must be driven by hypermedia. This concept is encapsulated in the phrase Hypermedia As The Engine of Application State and is further elaborated upon by Dr Roy Fielding on his website. To meet this constraint our REST API includes URI links in representations that help users navigate the API.

All representations except for the service root contain a canonical URI (uri field) that refer to the representation directly. If a resource contains a reference to a subresource, that representation will contain URIs for those subresources in the link field.

For example, a GET request to a Venue resource returns the following response:

GET /v0/venues?city=Sunderland HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: gunicorn/0.15.0
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 04:34:59 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 446
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

  "meta": {
      "records": 10,
      "next": null,
      "page": 1,
      "total_records": 1,
      "last": "/v0/venues?page=1&city=Sunderland&records=10",
      "total_pages": 1,
      "first": "/v0/venues?page=1&city=Sunderland&records=10",
      "prev": null
    "attribution": {
        "html": "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"/></a>",
        "source": {
          "html": "<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"/></a>"
          "logo": "",
          "url": "",
          "name": "Opta Sports"
        "text": "Powered by Soccermetrics Research",
        "url": "",
        "logo": ""
    "result": [
      "city": "Sunderland",
      "capacity": 49000,
      "name": "Stadium of Light",
      "country": 280,
      "altitude": 30.0,
      "uri": "v0/venues/1014",
      "longitude": 54.9144,
      "width": 68,
      "length": 105,
      "link": {
        "country": "v0/countries/280"
      "seated": 49000,
      "surface": 1,
      "team": 10014,
      "latitude": -1.3882,
      "id": 1014

Some resources have specialized hypertext to other resource states. A few examples:

  • All player resource representations contain hypertext to matches in which they participated and match events in which they were involved.
  • All match resource representations contain hypertext to their corresponding match events and all statistical records associated with the match.
  • All country resource representations contain hypertext to representations of match personnel who come from the same country.

There are several other connections between the football data in the API, and we’ll make more connections as they make sense.

Paging Resources

New in version 0.8.

The Soccermetrics API contains links and data that describe the number of records returned by a request and permit you to access the response representations in a manageable way.

The pagination data are contained in the meta property of the response representation:

Property Description
totalPages Total number of pages in the resource representation.
totalRecords Total number of records in resource representation.
page Current page number. First page is page 1.
records Number of records per page.
first The URI of the first page of the representation.
prev The URI of the previous page of the representation.
next The URI of the next page of the representation.
last The URI of the last page of the representation.

The first and last properties are always populated, but prev and next properties are set to null if no such page exists.

You can control the number of records per page with the records parameter:

Property Default Range
records 10 1-40

For example, you can access all of the penalty kick events in the database, 20 records at a time:

GET /v0/events/penalties?records=20 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

You can page through the responses using the next parameter. All of the official Soccermetrics API client libraries use this parameter to retrieve successive pages of the response.