Accessing Resources

To access Soccermetrics REST resources, you must first create a SoccermetricsRestClient object.


The SoccermetricsRestClient requires the Soccermetrics API credentials. These credentials are passed directly to the constructor or through environment variables. We recommend that you keep your credentials in environment variables so that there is less of a chance of posting them in a public place.

The SoccermetricsRestClient searches for the credentials in the SOCCERMETRICS_APP_ID and SOCCERMETRICS_APP_KEY variables inside the current environment. If they are present, a new object is created.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

Alternatively, you can pass the credentials directly to the constructor.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient

APP_ID = "f53baabb"
APP_KEY = "demo1234567890demo1234567890"
client = SoccermetricsRestClient(account=APP_ID,api_key=APP_KEY)

Making Requests

The SoccermetricsRestClient gives you access to over 20 resources that contain historical match data and advanced analytics. Several resources have sub-resources that reach into the entire API. You can make GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS requests to these resources.

GET Requests

To make a GET request, use the get() method associated with each resource.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response = client.teams.get()

For many requests you might want to filter results by one or more parameters. To do so, send keyword arguments to the get() method.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response ="Liverpool",away_team_name="Everton")

GET requests also accept paging arguments. The following example will return page 4 of the match information resource with 20 matches per page.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response =,records=20)

HEAD Requests

To make a HEAD request, use the head() method associated with each resource.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response = client.validation.teams.head()

OPTIONS Requests

To make an OPTIONS request, use the options() method associated with each resource.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response = client.natl.match.information.options()

Processing Responses

If your request is successful, your response will return a Response object. This object returns the following attributes:

Attribute Description
status Response status
headers Response headers
data Resource data

The following example handles the response from a resource request:

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

response = client.natl.match.information.get(home_team_name="Brazil",away_team_name="Germany")

status_code = response.status
headers = response.headers
data =

All resource responses are paged. Each response object has the following properties:

Attribute Description
page Current page number
pages Total number of pages
records_page Records per page
records Total number of records

The following methods permit paging through the response:

Method Description
first First page of response
prev Previous page of response
next Next page of response
last Last page of response

If you wish to retrieve all of the records at once, use the all() method.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

goals =

Accessing Hyperlinked Resources

Many of the resources contain references to other subresources through hyperlinks. The client provides a link object to access these hyperlinks without having to reconstruct the data manually. You can then make get(), head(), and options() calls just as you would for any other resource.

from import SoccermetricsRestClient
client = SoccermetricsRestClient()

match ="Liverpool",away_team_name="Everton")

goals =
pens =,outcome_type="Goal")