Source code for

from easydict import EasyDict
import requests

from soccermetrics import SoccermetricsRestException
from soccermetrics import __api_version__ as API_VERSION

[docs]class Resource(object): """ Represents interactions with a REST API resource. Sets the high-level (versioning) endpoint for the API resource. :param base_uri: Base URI of API. :type base_uri: string :param auth: Authentication credential. :type auth: tuple """ def __init__(self, base_uri, auth): self.base_uri = base_uri self.auth = auth self.endpoint = "/%s" % API_VERSION
[docs] def get(self, uid=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieves a representation of the REST resource. If the request is successful, returns an ``EasyDict`` object that uses dot notation for the response contents. A request may be unsuccessful for two reasons: * The API returns an error (HTTP code not 200). In this situation, the client raises a :exc:`~soccermetrics.SoccermetricsRestException` with the HTTP code, the request URI, and a detailed error message. * The ``requests`` module raises an exception. In this case, the client raises a :exc:`~soccermetrics.SoccermetricsRestException` with HTTP code 500, the request URI and a detailed error message from the module. :param uid: Unique ID of API resource representation. :type uid: integer :param kwargs: Collection of query parameters. :type kwargs: dict :returns: Resource representation. :rtype: ``EasyDict`` object. """ uri = "%s%s/%s" % (self.base_uri, self.endpoint, str(uid)) if uid else \ "%s%s" % (self.base_uri, self.endpoint) full_param_dict = dict(kwargs, **self.auth) try: resp = requests.get(uri,params=full_param_dict) if resp.status_code == 200: return Response(self.base_uri, self.auth, resp) else: data = resp.json() raise SoccermetricsRestException(resp.status_code,data['uri'],data['message']) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise SoccermetricsRestException(500, uri, msg=e)
[docs] def head(self): """ Retrieves header data of the REST resource. The response is an object with the following attribute: +------------+-----------------------+ | Attribute | Description | +============+=======================+ | headers | Response headers | +------------+-----------------------+ If the request is successful, the client returns an ``EasyDict`` object that uses dot notation for the response contents. If the request is unsuccessful (HTTP code 4xx or 5xx), the client raises a :exc:`~soccermetrics.SoccermetricsRestException` that includes the HTTP status code and the request URI. :returns: Header data. :rtype: ``EasyDict`` object. """ uri = "%s%s" % (self.base_uri, self.endpoint) resp = requests.head(uri,params=self.auth) if resp.status_code < 400: return EasyDict(dict(headers=resp.headers)) else: raise SoccermetricsRestException(resp.status_code,resp.url)
[docs] def options(self): """ Retrieves documentation of the REST resource representation. If the status code is 200 (OK), returns the documentation. Otherwise, returns an error. The response is an object with the following attributes: +------------+------------------------+ | Attribute | Description | +============+========================+ | headers | Response headers | +------------+------------------------+ | data | Resource documentation | +------------+------------------------+ Link resources are not included in the documentation. :returns: Resource documentation data. :rtype: ``EasyDict`` object. """ uri = "%s%s" % (self.base_uri, self.endpoint) resp = requests.options(uri,params=self.auth) if resp.status_code == 200: return Response(self.base_uri, self.auth, resp) else: raise SoccermetricsRestException(resp.status_code,resp.url)
[docs]class Response(Resource): """ Represents a REST API response object and its pagination properties and methods. The response is an object with the following attributes: +------------+-----------------------+ | Attribute | Description | +============+=======================+ | status | Response status code | +------------+-----------------------+ | headers | Response headers | +------------+-----------------------+ | _meta | Response meta-data, | | | internal use only | +------------+-----------------------+ | data | Response data | +------------+-----------------------+ The response also contains the following properties: +--------------+----------------------------+ | Property | Description | +==============+============================+ | page | Current page of response | +--------------+----------------------------+ | pages | Total pages of response | +--------------+----------------------------+ | records_page | Number of records per page | +--------------+----------------------------+ | records | Total records in response | +--------------+----------------------------+ You can use the following methods to page through the response: +--------------+-------------------------------+ | Method | Description | +==============+===============================+ | first() | First page of API response | +--------------+-------------------------------+ | prev() | Previous page of API response | +--------------+-------------------------------+ | next() | Next page of API response | +--------------+-------------------------------+ | last() | Last page of API response | +--------------+-------------------------------+ If you wish to access all of the data at once, there is the :func:`all` method. Derived from :class:`Resource`. """ def __init__(self, base_uri, auth, resp): """ Constructor of Response class. :param base_uri: Base URI of API. :type base_uri: string :param auth: Authentication credential pair. :type auth: tuple :param resp: response object from API request :type resp: JSON """ super(Response, self).__init__(base_uri, auth) jresp = resp.json() self._meta = EasyDict(jresp['meta']) self.status = resp.status_code self.headers = EasyDict(resp.headers) = [EasyDict(rec) for rec in jresp['result']] def _iter(self): """ Custom iterator to retrieve all data from API response. Not intended for external use; if you wish to page through the response use the pagination methods. """ resp = self while True: yield ( if not resp._meta or not raise StopIteration else: resp = @property
[docs] def page(self): """ Current page of API response given pagination settings. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), the current page is zero. """ return if self._meta else 0
[docs] def pages(self): """ Total pages in API response given pagination settings. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), the total number of pages is zero. """ return self._meta.total_pages if self._meta else 0
[docs] def records_page(self): """ Records per page of the API response, either default or set by user's API request. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), records per page is zero. """ return self._meta.records if self._meta else 0
[docs] def records(self): """ Total records in the API response. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), total number of records is zero. """ return self._meta.total_records if self._meta else 0
[docs] def first(self): """ Go to first page of the API response. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), return None. """ if self._meta: self.endpoint = self._meta.first return super(Response, self).get() else: return None
[docs] def next(self): """ Go to next page of the API response. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), return None. """ if self._meta and self.endpoint = return super(Response, self).get() return None
[docs] def prev(self): """ Go to previous page of the API response. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), return None. """ if self._meta and self._meta.prev: self.endpoint = self._meta.prev return super(Response, self).get() return None
[docs] def last(self): """ Go to last page of the API response. If meta-data does not exist (i.e. no GET data), return None. """ if self._meta: self.endpoint = self._meta.last return super(Response, self).get() return None
[docs] def all(self): """ Retrieve all data of the API response at once. """ rec = [] for page in self._iter(): rec.extend(page) return rec