
The Crosses resources provide access to individual statistical data related to crosses in a football match.


GET /v1/stats/crosses/corners/(lineupID)

The Crosses/Corners subresource allows you to access individual statistical data on crosses resulting from corner kicks (or ‘corner-crosses’). If lineupID is passed, it returns statistical data for a player in the match lineup that lineupID corresponds to.

If query parameters are passed to the resource, it returns the players in the match lineup who match the specified filters.

Response Parameters:

Field Type Description
lineup uuid The unique ID of the player in match lineup.
total_success integer Number of corner crosses that reach teammate.
total_failure integer Number of corner crosses that miss teammate.
air_success integer Number of corner crosses through the air that reach teammate.
air_failure integer Number of corner crosses through the air that miss teammate.
left_success integer Number of corner crosses from left flank that reach teammate.
left_failure integer Number of corner crosses from left flank that miss teammate.
right_success integer Number of corner crosses from right flank that reach teammate.
right_failure integer Number of corner crosses from right flank that miss teammate.
OPTIONS /v1/stats/crosses/corners

Returns documentation of the Crosses/Corners subresource.


GET /v1/stats/crosses/totals/(lineupID)

The Crosses/Totals subresource allows you to access individual statistical data on crosses made during a match, excluding those crosses resulting from corner kicks (or ‘corner-crosses’). If lineupID is passed, it returns statistical data for a player in the match lineup that lineupID corresponds to.

If query parameters are passed to the resource, it returns the players in the match lineup who match the specified filters.

Response Parameters:

Field Type Description
lineup uuid The unique ID of the player in match lineup.
air_success integer Number of crosses through the air that reach teammate.
air_failure integer Number of crosses through the air that reach teammate.
openplay_success integer Number of crosses during open play that reach teammate.
openplay_failure integer Number of crosses during open play that miss teammate.
left_success integer Number of crosses from left flank that reach teammate.
left_failure integer Number of crosses from left flank that miss teammate.
right_success integer Number of crosses from right flank that reach teammate.
right_failure integer Number of crosses from right flank that miss teammate.
OPTIONS /v1/stats/crosses/totals

Returns documentation of the Crosses/Totals subresource.