Match Statistics

The Match Statistics resources allow you to access summary in-match statistical data of participating players in football matches. Participating players are represented in the Match Lineup resource.

If a player in the match lineup does not have statistics in a given category (e.g. goalkeeping statistics for an outfield player), a record is returned with all zeros in the statistical fields.

Representations can be accessed in two ways:

  • Attach the player’s unique ID in the match lineup (lineupID) to the resource URI, or
  • Attach query parameters to the URI, which return representations for all players in the match lineup who satisfy the query conditions. These query parameters are common to all Match Statistics resources.

You can sort representations by the resource parameters associated with each Match Statistics resource.

Query Parameters for Match Statistics Resources

Field Type Description
match integer The unique ID of the football match.
home_team integer The unique ID of the home team.
home_team_name string The name of the home team.
away_team integer The unique ID of the away team.
away_team_name string The name of the away team.
player_team integer The unique ID of the player’s team.
player_team_name string The name of the player’s team.
player integer The unique ID of the player in the match lineup.
player_name string The name of the player in the match lineup.
position integer The unique ID of the player’s default position.
position_name string The name of the generic field position.
is_starting bool Flag to indicate whether the player started.
is_captain bool Flag to indicate whether the player was named captain.